The fat over lean rule is a critical method of working to ensure your painting stands the test of time. This requires that each successive layer has slightly more oil,...
The difference between Winsor and Newton Galeria Acrylic vs Professional Acrylic paint is down to the quantity of the pigment used. The quality of the pigment is not compromised, the...
The tinting strength of Mixing White and Titanium White acrylic paints are compared here to understand the dramatically different effect they have on colours; both are added to Professional Acrylic...
To prevent your oil paint from sinking into the support, you should always prime your canvas; here we will demonstrate using white, clear and tinted gesso to prepare a canvas....
Jessie Bayliss is a UK based illustrator and lettering artist who specialises in nostalgic, botanical illustration and Victorian style calligraphy. In this video she shares tips on modern calligraphy techniques...
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