Fat over lean rule explained
The fat over lean rule is a critical method of working to ensure your painting stands the test of time. This requires that each successive layer has slightly more oil, and therefore is more flexible but it will take longer to dry. Each time you begin a new layer you must be sure the earlier one is dry. You can fatten your paint in one of two ways: by pre-mixing recipes of Stand Oil and Sansodor to add to your paint or by mixing directly on your palette. If pre-mixing recipes, you should make at least three which reflect a shifting ratio, from 1-part Stand Oil to 3-part Sansodor, 1-part Stand Oil to 2-part Sansodor and, finally, a 1 to 1 ratio. These mixtures can be kept in tightly capped jars in your studio, labelled with the ratio inside, to use as you need them. Stand Oil is the oil of choice as it is non-yellowing but be sure not to use it in your first layer. Alternatively, you can add Stand Oil to your paint on your palette in an increasing ration as your layers increase. If you follow the fat over lean rule, your layers will be strong,...